Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sweater Re-Fashion -Part 3

Because I have been thoroughly enjoying cutting up my old sweaters, I thought I'd try out another sweater upcycling project with yet another trusty old gap multi-stripe goody.

I've glanced at quite a few tutorials that transform an adult size sweater, into a sweater dress for a little gal.

And I've been wanting to give it a whirl.
So, I chose a pretty easy sweater to work with....small neckline, tight yarn weave, not super long....
and I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out!

It went surprisingly smooth! swear words involved

I first cut the seams up the sides of the sweater....cut off some material in an A-line shape on each side, and then sewed them back up.
Next,  I cut off both sleeves and chopped them down shorter, and also cut up the inside seam and cut some extra material off to tighten them up a bit.

I sewed them back onto the original armhole. 
And that's it! Wa-Lah!

Happy Thursday all~


  1. So stinkin' cute!! Nice work :)

    I think I'm doomed if I actually have a girl - they're so much more fun to craft/sew for than boys!!
