Thursday, May 31, 2012


Remember the little goody I bought last week?

 I was pretty happy to check this one off my "to do" list over the holiday weekend.

And I think she likes it :)

Happy Thursday all~

Friday, May 25, 2012

Todays good finds...

I've been on the lookout for a cute, compact, vintage, cheap, paintable bookshelf for Ellery's room.
Score! Here's hoping this wood one will be a nice distressed robyns egg blue by the end of the weekend!
(I'll post pics if I actually get it done:)

I also found a darling perfect condition white side table for cheap.  Not sure where it's going to go, but am certain I can find a good home for it I can't find a place for it...or sell it for more than I paid :)


Isn't this frame just awesome!
The picture doesn't do it justice!  I'm hoping this will be the new focal point on my wall of cuteness.

 I also scored a ridiculously awesome coffee carafe for next fall's soccer/possibly football season, and some new clothes for my neice and nephew.
A good day garage saling!
Happy weekend all~

Monday, May 14, 2012

Girly Girl

A couple of months back, I was able to score a kid free day with my favorite gal pals.

A rare and delightful treat.

We are all bargain lovers/ treasure hunters/ antiquers, so we hit up a few thrift and consignment shops. Good times.

Amongst my treasure trove of great finds, I stumbled upon these 2 shirts.
A 4t Target special, and an old lady ruffle blouse.

An upcyclers the pink shirt exactly matches the ruffles on the t shirt.
They were made for each other, I tell you :)

And Stelly Jane is thrilled to have another dress with her beloved ruffles :)

Happy Monday all~